Wiadomości z BWM z ostatniego tygodnia

Opening of Indonesian Government’s funded KNB (Developing Countries Partnership) Scholarship

Kemitraan Negara Berkembang Scholarship, popularly known as KNB Scholarship, is a financial assistance offered by the Indonesian Government to prospective international students coming from developing countries to pursue their degree (Bachelor, Master or Doctorate Degree) at one of the universities in Indonesia. The scholarship is expected to build the people-to-people relations between Indonesia and the recipient countries. It aims at nurturing their future leaders.

KNB offers an experience of studying in top universities in Indonesia and at the same living in one of the world’s most diverse and vibrant society. By getting the scholarship, students will experience quality degree programs managed by the 31 university partners. Their degrees will enhance their intellectual standing, develop their competencies, and open wider professional opportunities, a foundation for post-college success. Certainly, they will also be able to enjoy first-hand experience of living in a multicultural and multilingual society.

In 2024, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia will accept 222 (two hundred twenty-two) KNB Scholarship applicants, consist of 30 Bachelor awardee, 162 Master awardee, and 30 Doctoral awardee.

KNB Scholarship website: https://knb.kemdikbud.go.id/

Opening of Indonesian Government’s funded KNB (Developing Countries Partnership) Scholarship

Kemitraan Negara Berkembang Scholarship, popularly known as KNB Scholarship, is a financial assistance offered by the Indonesian Government to prospective international students coming from developing countries to pursue their degree (Bachelor, Master or Doctorate Degree) at one of the universities in Indonesia. The scholarship is expected to build the people-to-people relations between Indonesia and the recipient countries. It aims at nurturing their future leaders.

KNB offers an experience of studying in top universities in Indonesia and at the same living in one of the world’s most diverse and vibrant society. By getting the scholarship, students will experience quality degree programs managed by the 31 university partners. Their degrees will enhance their intellectual standing, develop their competencies, and open wider professional opportunities, a foundation for post-college success. Certainly, they will also be able to enjoy first-hand experience of living in a multicultural and multilingual society.

In 2024, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia will accept 222 (two hundred twenty-two) KNB Scholarship applicants, consist of 30 Bachelor awardee, 162 Master awardee, and 30 Doctoral awardee.

KNB Scholarship website: https://knb.kemdikbud.go.id/

12th International Staff Training Week

It is our pleasure to invite you to the 12th International Staff Training Week, which will take place at the University of Wroclaw from 20th to 24th May 2024.

We would be happy to welcome colleagues from International Offices (priority) and other support services dealing with international cooperation, exchange programmes and European projects. 

Below you can find the programme of the whole week.

Link to the registration form (open until 16th February 2024): https://forms.office.com/e/fv7HaUBjQh

European University Institute - rekrutacja na programy doktorskie

EUI to renomowana międzynarodowa uczelnia prowadząca czteroletnie studia doktoranckie w obszarze nauk społecznych i politycznych, prawa, ekonomii oraz historii. Polska dysponuje co roku 10 miejscami dla nowych doktorantów. Zakwalifikowane osoby otrzymują stypendium przez cały okres trwania programu (1.602 euro/miesięcznie), same zaś studia na EUI są bezpłatne.

Stypendyści są również objęci ubezpieczeniem medycznym oraz mogą korzystać z dodatkowych świadczeń dla członków rodziny (małżonka, dziecka).


Termin składania wniosków o przyjęcie na studia doktoranckie upływa 31 stycznia 2024 r. (rok akademicki 2024/2025).

Więcej informacji w pod linkiem https://www.gov.pl/attachment/b5f79314-8181-4d79-b9e4-5a08eafbcfe2
