Before Arrival

EU, EEA and Switzerland citizens 

The UE citizens are entitled to enter the territory of Poland with a valid ID card or a passport. Students staying in Poland for over 3 months are legally obliged to register their residence at the Voivodeship Office, the Department of Civil Affairs and Foreigners (Urząd Wojewódzki, Wydział Spraw Obywatelskich i Cudzoziemców), which is located on Powstańców Warszawy Square 1.  

Bear in mind that the legalisation of your stay has to be done in person within 90 days from the entry date into the Polish territory.


To complete the procedure, you need to fill out and deliver the following documents: 

  1. The application form “The application form for registering the residence” (provided by the Welcome Point after arriving to Wrocław) filled in Polish with 2 copies of it; 

  1. A copy of a passport or an ID card (with original to view)

  1. 4 colour, biometric photos (size 35mm x 45mm); 

  1. The Confirmation of Enrolment and a possession of sufficient financial resources for a stay in Poland (provided by the Welcome Point after arriving to Wrocław);

  1. A document confirming the health insurance ownership (the EHIC card); 


NON-EU citizens 

In aim to enter the territory of Poland, the non-EU citizens have to obtain a visa from a Polish Embassy or a Consulate located in their country of nationality. The short-term visa entitles a holder to stay in Poland for up to 3 months, the long-term visa up to 1 year. Prolongation of a visa in Poland is possible only in cases of force majeure or situation impossible to foresee while applying for a visa in the consulate. The visa can be prolonged only once. The national visa is usually given for the purpose of undertaking academic study. 

In case of being granted a student visa, when you travel to Poland, carry your acceptance letter from the university and other related documents, please. When you enter Poland and consequently, the European Union, you are asked about the purpose of your arrival and you have to provide the proof of this purpose. The student visa also allows you to travel within the Schengen zone up to 90 days but remember that with the Polish national visa your first country of entry to the EU has to be Poland. After receiving the stamp confirming you crossed the Polish border, you are able to travel to e.g., Germany, Slovakia, Lithuania, solely for tourist purposes. 

In order to stay in Poland legally for more than 1 year you may consider two options. The first solution is to return to your home country to apply for a visa at the Polish diplomatic post again. Nevertheless, you must take into account that the procedure of issuing a visa takes time and involves travel costs. Hence, there is another, more convenient way to legalise your stay that does not demand leaving the territory of Poland. You can submit the application for the temporary residence permit (TRC) prior to your visa expiration date. The permit is issued for the period of your stay in Poland, but not longer than two years. 

The evidence of holding the permit is the Temporary Residence Card (TRC), which is an identity card for foreigners in Poland and (with a passport included) it allows passing the Polish border as often as you wish without having a visa. 

The application for the temporary residence permit needs to be submitted at the Voivodeship Office (Urząd Wojewódzki) before your visa expires. From the date of application until the date of decision on granting the TRC, your stay in Poland is still legal, even without a valid visa. The period of considering the application cases at the Voivodeship Office depends on many factors, including the number of applications under consideration and the complexity of your case. On average, it takes approximately 8-10 months to receive the decision, hence, it is highly recommended to apply for the TRC as soon as you arrive to Poland. 


To obtain the temporary residence permit you have to submit the following documents: 

  1. 3 copies of “The application for a temporary residence permit” (Wniosek o zezwolenie na pobyt czasowy) filled in Polish, 
    It can be found here:,Formularze-do-pobrania.html

  2. 4 biometric photos; 

  3. A valid travel document (additionally, 2 photocopies of all pages which are written in); 

  1. A confirmation of payment of stamp duty (340 PLN); 

  1. A certificate issued by the university on the amount of tuition fees for the entire academic year and a given semester; 

  1. A proof of the tuition fee payment with an indication of the date of the payment  

  1. In case of continuation of studies- a printout of the student's periodic achievement card or the copy of this card or certified by the university true copy of the original; 

  1. Documents with information regarding costs of living with the amount of fixed costs or capacity charges; bills for electricity, gas and water, as well as bills for the waste disposal (it can be a rental agreement with the last gas and electricity bills, and the last administration fee paid)  

  1. Documents confirming a possession of sufficient financial resources to cover living expenses, costs of studies and costs of return travel to the country of origin, e.g. a printout from your bank account; 

  1. Documents confirming a health insurance ownership. 

Please remember that you need to book a meeting slot at the Voivodeship Office, more info: 


The University can provide International Students with a room in our student residences called "Ołówek", "Kredka",  "Dwudziestolatka", "Słowianka" and "Parawanowiec" which are situated in the city center. You can check the photos in the album.

The following prices will be valid from 30th September, 2021 r. for accommodation in the halls of residence of the University of Wrocław (for students and PhD students): 


one night (30.09/01.10 only), double room: 21,00 PLN 
one night (30.09/01.10 only), single room: 36,50 PLN 
one month, double room: 630,00 PLN 
one month, single room: 1095,00 PLN 

one night (30.09/01.10 only), double room: 21,40 PLN 
one night (30.09/01.10 only), single room: 37,20 PLN 
one month, double room: 642,00 PLN 
one month, single room: 1116,00 PLN 

one night (30.09/01.10 only), double room: 18,50 PLN 
one night (30.09/01.10 only), double room (more square metre space): 19,60 PLN 
one night (30.09/01.10 only), single room: 28,20 PLN 
one month, double room: 555,00 PLN 
one month, double room (more square metre space): 588,00 PLN 
one month, single room: 846,00 PLN 

one night (30.09/01.10 only), double room: 19,00 PLN 
one night (30.09/01.10 only), double room (more square metre space): 20,10 PLN 
one night (30.09/01.10 only), single room: 28,90 PLN 
one month, double room: 570,00 PLN 
one month, double room (more square metre space): 603,00 PLN 
one month, single room: 867,00 PLN 

one night (30.09/01.10 only), double room: 17,40 PLN 
one night (30.09/01.10 only), single room: 27,60 PLN 
one month, double room: 522,00 PLN 
one month, single room: 828,00 PLN 


The students and PhD students of the University of Wrocław and other domestic universities which signed the agreement pay the fee for accommodation without additional 8% VAT. Other students and PhD students pay additional 8% of VAT tax. 

Detailed information on fees is published in The Rules on Accommodation in the University of Wrocław Student Houses in 2020/2021 Academic Year. 

Renting a flat can cost from 1000 to 3000 PLN depending on the number of rooms. A cheaper option is to rent a room or shared room (from 250 to 350 PLN). For detailed information on accommodation options and the costs of transport, food, sports and entertainment please see here. 

If you start full-degree studies in English at the University of Wroclaw as an international student, please know that you need to apply for dormitory directly by the website of dormitory administration. All information will be provided to you during the application for studies process. The registration for dormitory will be open until 15th August 2021, if you will sign for dormitory after that term, you should contact the International Office regarding the available place and request for accommodation - we will instruct you on further steps. 

Preparatory Course of Polish Language 

Before each semester a 2-week preparatory course of Polish organized by the School of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners takes place. 

On the first day of the course, you are invited for a breakfast after which all the participants of the course are divided into smaller groups depending on the level of advance. 

Each group has 3 hours of Polish (3x45 min) per day. 

You can obtain 3ECTS for 100% of attendance! 


Semester Course of Polish Language 

We encourage you to take the Polish Language Course during the semester (twice a week 2x1,5 h) provided by the School of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners - Szkoła Języka Polskiego i Kultury dla Cudzoziemców. 

pl. Nankiera 15, room 6 
phone number: 071 3752570 

Deadline for signing up: 
22nd February for the second semester 

You can get 6 ECTS: 

  1. Regular participation (minimum 46h), 

  1. Provision of two papers (homework), 

  1. Obtaining positive results in the final test (minimum 50%). 


Students who do not meet the conditions mentioned in points 1 and 2 will not be able to take the final test. Therefore, they automatically won't receive their grades and credits, and the Polish language class will not be included in the Transcript of Record. 


Student on-line Account 

The student on-line Account that you created on our website is valid during your study at the University of Wrocław. You find there documents such as: 

"Confirmation of enrollment",
"Confirmation for the residence registration in Poland", 
"Attendance confirmation",
"Changes to Learning Agreement",

which might be needed after your arrival and before your departure.