The University of Wroclaw continues successful partnerships with universities in a number of countries
The conditions of the partnership vary depending on the individual arrangements established between the parties to the agreements. However the majority of the agreements cover staff exchanges and therefore the University of Wroclaw is happy to host guests from those Partner Universities.
Colleagues from Partner Universities who are interested in coming to the University of Wroclaw to do a research or with another purpose established in the agreement should contact the International Office at their home university. At the same time they should ask for acceptance/invitation (e.g. by e-mail) the appropriate department/faculty of the Wroclaw University. After receiving the acceptance/invitation from UWr the Partner International Office should inform Wroclaw International Office about the visit.
After the positive answer from the International Office of Wroclaw University the guest will be asked to create an individual account in our on-line system which will simplify the issuing some of the documents necessary for both the visiting guest and the International Office.
To create an individual account please click here:
In those cases where the University of Wroclaw funds the guest's stay in Poland, the guest should collect the money in cash at the beginning of the visit from the University cash-desk (9:00 - 13:00, room 108, university main building, next door to the International Office).
The amount of the scholarship is 100 PLN per day which is the standard Polish rate.
The guests accepted according to the above procedure are welcome to stay at our university guest rooms free of chargé.