The traineeship can be served at:
- an enterprise/company,
- research, and academic institution,
- non-profit organisation or other institution (museum, library, hospital etc.)
The traineeship cannot be served at:
- EU institutions (click here to see the list of EU institutions at which traineeships cannot be served)
- institutions that manage EU programmes
Recruitment process
You can apply for Erasmus traineeship abroad if you meet the following requirements:
You are a student of the University of Wrocław (full-, part-time or extramural basis) or its doctoral candidate.
- You have completed the first year of your studies
- You know the language of your target country (in the Scandinavian countries, Belgium and the Netherlands English is sufficient to communicate)
- You are progressing well with your studies (the required average grade is determined individually by institutes/faculties)
To receive the scholarship, you have to successfully undergo the recruitment process conducted by the Erasmus Coordinator in your faculty or institute.
The recruitment process is continuous (open all year round)
Required documents
- permission to serve the traineeship issued by the host institution in the form of the Letter of Acceptance completed and signed by its representative.
- Your average grade
- Confirmation of target language command required by the host institution
- Motivation letter
- Other possible documents indicated by the faculty/institute Erasmus Coordinator
If you do not hold a language certificate or foreign-language entry in your index, you can pass a placement interview in the Foreign Language Centre (Studium Praktycznej Nauki Języków Obcych/SPNJO). Registration for individual interviews (in English, German, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese) takes place in the Foreign Language Centre.
How to find a company?
You can look for a hosting company in:
- company databases
- traineeship offers
- traineeship offers on the website / JOB OFFER EXCHANGE
- traineeship offers
When writing an e-mail to the host institution, remember:
- that you take part in the recruitment process which, due to its continuous character, does not have any clear deadline for announcing its results
- about the rules of ERASMUS programme (we recommend that you provide your hosts with the link to the website of their National Erasmus Agency, where they can learn about the details of the Erasmus programme - a full list can be found here)
- about emphasizing the fact that you will receive a grant and so the host institution won't bear any costs of your visit.
Erasmus+ Traineeship Application Form
If you have successfully undergone Erasmus recruitment process at the faculty/institute level, you need to comply with some formalities at the International Office.
The first step is to properly fill in the application form available online.
Before the traineeship
After you have successfully undergone the Erasmus-Traineeship recruitment process, you need to comply with some formalities in the International Office. They include:
- completing the Erasmus-Traineeship application form
- approval of the Learning Agreement for Traineeships
- signing the Student Agreement and collecting additional required documents
- health insurance
- civil liability insurance and insurance against accidents
IMPORTANT: Please note that the University of Wrocław does not arrange your accommodation abroad - you need to find it yourself. Your host institution can provide help here.
Learning Agreement for Traineeships
Learning Agreement for Traineeships must be signed by your training supervisor from the host institution and the Erasmus Coordinator from your faculty/institute. The mobility programme includes the expected duties and tasks of the student. This document must be sent to your host institution after recruitment at the faculty level but before the mobility.
The mobility programme is necessary for signing the Student Agreement as its integral appendix.
Learning Agreement for Traineeships form is accessible from your online account and can be downloaded from the International Office website after submitting the Application Form in our office.
Student Agreement - Traineeships
Before the mobility, you have to sign the Student Agreement in the International Office. It is an agreement between you, the beneficiary of the Erasmus programme, and the representative of the University of Wrocław, and it addresses your traineeship's formal and financial conditions. During the meeting, we will also discuss the details of the grant transfer.
The Student Agreement needs to be signed in the International Office no less than 2 weeks before the planned mobility. Don't forget about filling in all the important documents:
- Can be downloaded and filled in from your online account on the International Office website.
- Fields concerning the duration of your stay and the scholarship amount are to be filled in by the representative of the International Office at the time of signing the Student Agreement.
- The Student Agreement must be printed out in two copies and delivered to the International Office where it will be signed.
- learning agreement for traineeships
- copy of the insurance
- if you begin your traineeship during the academic year, you have to submit the Dean's permission for an individual course of studies
- Transfers of the Erasmus grant are done exclusively by transfer to a bank account of the student.
- The Erasmus grant is first transferred in EUR to the foreign currency (FC) account of the University of Wrocław, and then to the student's EUR FC account. It's the most popular solution among students because it helps avoid double currency conversion (EUR to PLN, and PLN to EUR).
- At the student's request, the EUR grant can be transferred to the PLN account.
- The University does not transfer money to foreign banks. Transfers are made exclusively to PLN and foreign currency accounts in the country.
- Bank transfers are covered by the University.
- Transfers will be made according to the date of the mobility, and will also depend on the date of receipt of the funding from the Polish Erasmus agency by UWr
- Students receive grants in two instalments, 80% before departure to the partner university and the remaining 20% after completion of Erasmus stay.
Mobility capital
Under the framework of Erasmus+ Programme students can apply for studies and traineeships at each of the three levels of studies (Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD). Mobility capital (number of months spent abroad under the Erasmus Programme) is calculated separately for each level.
Mobility capital per one level of studies is 12 months. In the case of uniform Master’s programmes, mobility capital cannot exceed 24 months.
Any UWr student can receive funding at a given level of studies for a period of 2 to 10 months. In the case of uniform Master’s programmes, the number of possible mobilities gets doubled.
Declaration about mobility capital
Scholarship amount
The Erasmus grant is supplementary and meant to cover the gap in the cost of living between your home and receiving country. It is funded from EU sources. Students receiving the Erasmus grant retain the right to all other benefits like academic performance award, maintenance benefit or ministerial scholarship.
The amount of one month's scholarship is determined by the National Erasmus Agency and differentiated according to countries:
In the 2022/2023 (second semester) academic year, a monthly Erasmus+ scholarship amounts to:
- 700 Euro - Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom
- 700 Euro - Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Spain, Netherlands, Malta, Germany, Portugal, Italy
- 600 Euro - Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, North Macedonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Turkey
ATTENTION! All mobilities to the UK planned after the Brexit will not be financed.
Health Insurance
Outgoing students are required to hold a health insurance policy for the period of their studies abroad.
Students from EU member states are recommended to hold a European Health Insurance Card/EHIC, which is the proof of health insurance coverage in Poland and provides the coverage of medical treatment costs in a foreign country.
All students, including those from outside the EU, can obtain insurance cover from the National Health Fund.
Outgoing students can hold an insurance policy from one of the commercial insurance companies.
A copy of health insurance must be attached to the student agreement.
We recommend purchasing liability and accident insurance.
Scholarship for Students With Special Needs
Students with special needs qualified for the Erasmus mobility, regardless of the degree of their disability, can apply for grants from a specific fund. Disability is here defined as movement constraints as well as the need for special medical care during placement abroad. The scholarship application must include a medical certificate specifying the degree of disability.
Extending the traineeship
You can extend your traineeship if you left for a period shorter than 5 months. If you choose to do so (maximum of up to 5 months), you should:
- obtain the permission of your traineeship supervisor in the host institution and the new Traineeship Agreement with changed dates and modified programme
- obtain the permission of your institute/faculty Erasmus Coordinator and his/her sign on the Traineeship Agreement
- submit an annex via your online account on the International Office website
Permission for extending the traineeship received from the International Office does not equate permission for further funding, which depends on the availability of funds at the University’s disposal for a given academic year. Arrangements related to extending your scholarship have to be made in the International Office at least one month before the originally determined date of the completion of your traineeship. ANNEX CAN BE SUBMITTED VIA YOUR ONLINE ACCOUNT ON THE INTERNATIONAL OFFICE WEBSITE
Back at the University of Wrocław
After returning to Wrocław you have to: submit the following documents (filled in online from your account on the International Office website:
- Submit the Traineeship certificate - confirmation of the period of your mobility issued by your host institution (traineeship period must be the same as the one determined in the Agreement)
- Fill in the second OLS language test
- Complete survey for the European Commission, to be completed online, will be sent to your e-mail address.