Accommodation for 1st year degree students

The University of Wrocław has five co-educational dormitories: Dwudziestolatka, Kredka, Ołówek, Parawanowiec, Słowianka.

All are located in the city center near Grunwaldzki Campus. Students are accommodated in single or double rooms, in Dwudziestolatka also in triple ones. All dormitories have Internet access, also wireless.

There are approx. 2000 places in the university’s dormitories. If the number of applicants exceeds housing capacity, priority will be given to full- and part-time (evening) students in difficult circumstances, who would not be able to take up studies due to daily commute or whose studying would be severely hindered due to daily commute.

All matters regarding your rerservation in the University dormitory should be directed to Students Service Department:

If you want to change your dormitory, please contact dormitory administration directly after your arrival. 

In the second year, you need to apply for a dorm room by yourself.



Do góry

Price List

The following prices are valid from 1st July, 2024 r. for accommodation in the halls of residence of the University of Wrocław (for students and PhD students):

Prices for new academic year are announced every year in July.



  • one month, double room: 780 PLN 
  • one month, single room: 1350 PLN 




  • one month, double room: 780 PLN
  • one month, single room: 1350 PLN 




  • one month, double room: 672 PLN
  • one month, double room (more square metre space): 720 PLN 
  • one month, single room: 1020 PLN

  • one month, double room: 690 PLN
  • one month, double room (more square metre space): 729 PLN
  • one month, single room: 1050 PLN




  • one month, double room: 630 PLN
  • one month, single room: 999 PLN


The students and PhD students of the University of Wrocław and other domestic universities which signed the agreement pay the fee for accommodation without additional 8% VAT. Other students and PhD students pay additional 8% of VAT tax.
In connection with the above, the album number of a given student / PhD student must be entered on the “Payment Card”.


