Call for applications for twinning trips under the project "Enhancing the University of Wrocław's participation in the implementation of Arqus Alliance tasks"

By Twinning, we mean the exchange of a group of UWr students with a partner university, involving a visit to the partner institution and hosting a twin group in Wrocław.
Funding applications are submitted by the supervisors of the student groups, i.e., UWr staff members, who, together with a partner from a university within the Arqus Alliance, prepare the mobility programme.

From now until August 31, 2026, we are funding trips for 8 groups of students to the Alliance Universities (Braga, Graz, Granada, Leipzig, Lyon, Maynooth, Padua, Vilnius).

The duration of the trip is 5 days for a group of 5 students and a supervisor.

Applications are open continuously until funds are exhausted or until June 30, 2026.

The application form is available at the following link:

For any questions, please contact:
or call +48 71 375 29 69.

Attachment Size
Letter of intent template 76.33 KB
Regulamin Twinningu 237.95 KB