Webinar on Polish system of didactics for foreign students
On 7th December at 6 pm the Quality of Learning and Teaching Foundation organises a webinar for students titled “Good practises in didactics. Students’ perspective”. The webinar will take place on ZOOM platform.
Registration: educationquality.eu
Speaker: Professor Jakub Brdulak – University Professor at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics.
The main aim of the webinar is to present the Polish system of academic didactics. The presentation of the Polish system will be based on the framework of the European Higher Education Area. You will know what you should formally expect from the courses – what your rights and obligations are. During the webinar, best practises in teaching and learning will be presented and there will be room for sharing your experiences. The webinar will be divided into a presentation and a workshop/discussion part.
Each participant can earn a shopping voucher (PLN 50) for identifying a good practice in teaching that they wish to disseminate.