Incoming staff in frame of Erasmus+ and Other Programmes

Every visit has to be registered in our system. It includes every guest (staff incoming in the frame of programmes such as Erasmus, CEEPUS, NAWA, Fullbright, IDUB, DAAD, Visegrad etc).

To register your visit please follow the steps below:

  1. Create an account in the International Applications system right here.
  2. To create an account you will need to fill in information such as the type of the application, period of stay, name of your home institution and name of the department/faculty that you will be visiting.
  3. Some additional information contain your personal data (name, surname, address, contact information, nationality, etc) and data about the visit itself (contact person from your home institution, host/coordinator at the University of Wroclaw).
  4. Once you finish the application you should submit it.
  5. Your host at the University of Wroclaw will be notified about your registration through an email – they have to confirm your visit.
  6. Your registration is complete once you receive the email that your host confirmed your visit.

ATTENTION: If you are not from any of the EU or EFTA countries and you do not register your stay in the system, you may not receive your visa since we won’t be able to confirm your stay at our institution.


ERASMUS KA171 - staff mobility

Staff from Partner University (professors and administrative staff) shoudl be officially nominated by home university on e-mail to Joanna Skotnicka .

Nomination information should inculde: name and surname of nominee, personal e-mail address and dates of planned mobilities.

Nominee will recieve link to the University of Wrocław application system.