UPDATE Call for applications for mobility grants under STER Programme for the PhD students of the Doctoral School

Call for applications for mobility grants under STER Programme for the PhD students of the Doctoral School

We are offering 35 mobilities, including:

- 5 for 5 months,

- 10 for 3 months,

- 10 for 2 months,

- 10 for 1 month.

Intended timeframe: 1 September 2021 – 1 September 2023

The aim of the visit is the implementation of one’s own research plan in an international environment and the acquisition of team-work skills in a multicultural group.

The mobilities can take place at:

Russian Academy of Science in Moscow (Russia), Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics in Irkutsk (Russia), Tomsk State University (Russia), Saint Petersburg State University (Russia), Catholic University of Santa Maria in Arequipa (Peru), Iowa State University (USA), Duluth University Minnesota (USA), George Washington University (USA), University Centre in Svalbard Longyearbyen (Norway), Macquarie University in Sydney (Australia), Xiamen University (China), Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China), TU Dresden (Germany), Ruhr University Bochum (Germany), University of Ostrava (Czech Republic), Masaryk University in Brno (Czech Republic).

The list includes the scientific institutions which were indicated by the Colleges at the application preparation stage. In justified cases it will be possible to travel to scientific centres outside the list after prior approval of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, for which the International Office will apply.

The applications will be evaluated by the Committee appointed by Vice-Rector for International Projects and Relations Prof. Patrycja Matusz.


The submission of a full application is conditional upon filling in the following application form:
and sending to the International Office at szczepan.falecki@uwr.edu.pl a set of scans of the following documents in Polish or English:

a) research project approved by the supervisor, including its schedule;

b list of publications approved by the supervisor;

c) certificate on the average grade from the previous academic year – minimum 4.5 (not the transcript of records) - if applicable;

d) certificate on the command of the language of the project, at minimum C1 level;

e) two letters of recommendation: one from the supervisor, one from another academic teacher (who does not need to be employed at UWr);

f) preliminary confirmation of the foreign institution on the will to host the applicant (e-mails will suffice);

g) cover letter.

Applications are accepted until 12 July 2021.
Results will be announced on 30 July 2021.

Applicable lump sums:

Table 1. Costs of travel, health insurance, insurance against accidents, civil liability insurance, fees connected with visa procedure or the legalisation of stay

Straight line distance between the participant’s place of residence and the place of stay (in km):

Lump sum payment per person:

Fewer than 500

1000,00 PLN

500 - 999

2000,00 PLN

1000 - 2999

3000,00 PLN

3000 - 6000

4000,00 PLN

Over 6000

5000,00 PLN

The grant for accommodation and costs of living for a full month of the PhD student’s stay at a foreign host institution, lasting from 1 to 10 months, is 12 000 PLN per month (for travel to OECD countries and cities in non-OECD countries ranked in top 50 of MERCER report) or 8000 PLN per month for other countries. In the case of incomplete months, that is stays of 15 days and fewer, a half of the monthly rate listed in Table 2 is applied. The costs of living, that is 6000 PLN (for OECD countries and cities in non-OECD countries ranked in top 50 of MERCER report) or 4000 PLN for other countries. In the case of full months, that is stays of over 15 days, a full monthly rate listed in Table 2 is applied.   

Table 2. Costs of living

Number of days

Travel to OECD countries and cities in non-OECD countries ranked in top 50 of MERCER report

Other countries

15 and fewer

                        6000,00 PLN

4000,00 PLN

over 15 days

                        12000,00 PLN

8000,00 PLN


For more information on recruitment please contact:

Urszula Broda urszula.broda@uwr.edu.pl

Szczepan Falecki szczepan.falecki@uwr.edu.pl